torsdag 3. september 2009

5 brilliant tips to increase your IQ

The first question you probably ask your self, is if its even possible to increase the IQ. In this blogpost we will give you the answer and the methods to better IQ test score.

What is IQ?

IQ is short for intelligent quotient, and is used to show the result of several standardized intelligence tests. The frist IQ test was developed by Alfred Binet in 1905. He made the test for kids to find out if they had special needs in school. Today, most IQ test are based on the Binet Intelligence scale.

A few years back New York Times published a story with the head line Can We Increase Our Intelligence? The article is very relevant to our question, so let's take a look at a quote (the Flynn effect):

"Flynn first noted that standardized intelligence quotient (I.Q.) scores were rising by three points per decade in many countries, and even faster in some countries like the Netherlands and Israel. For instance, in verbal and performance I.Q., an average Dutch 14-year-old in 1982 scored 20 points higher than the average person of the same age in his parents’ generation in 1952. These I.Q. increases over a single generation suggest that the environmental conditions for developing brains have become more favorable in some way."
Many studies shows us that it's possible to improve your IQ test resultats and IQ.

Here are 5 brilliant tips to increase your IQ test score.

1. Practice taking tests

Improve your test taking skills. Skip questions you don't know the answers too, and questions you spend too much time on. Go back when you have finished all other questions. Eliminate the answers you know is wrong. For more tips read The 10 Steps to Better Test Taking

2. Learn to read faster

See the article How to Read 300% Faster in 20 Minutes by Tim Ferris. When you read faster, you get more time to solve problems.

3. Prepare your self physically

Get a good nights sleep, be rested, sit correctly and breath correctly. Studies have showed that these factors all make you perform better.

4. Utilize the Mozart effect

Studies have shown that you get good results when you listen to classical music. One study showed that the people that listend to Mozart Two Pianos in D Major, K. 448 got 9 points higher. The Mozart effect has a short term effect on the spatial intelligence.

5. Eat smart

A balanced diet keeps the brain chemistry healthy and makes you think better. There are a few types of food that is good brain food. Fish increases the brainwaves and caffein increase the speed of the synapsis which will improve the short term memory. Avoid sugar and fast carbs before you take a test.

Now you know how to increase your IQ..

To find out you own IQ, you should take a IQ test on the Internet and if you do good, you should try to get tested by Mensa. To become a Mensa member you need to be in the top 2% of the population.


onsdag 2. september 2009

Chris Langan is the world's smartest man

Chris Langan is the world's smartest man, his IQ has been measured at between 195 and 210. That's pretty decent for a bouncer. Chris Langan won $250,000 in the TV show 1 vs. 100.

Watch the documentary about Chris Langan for more information:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

tirsdag 1. september 2009

Your dogs has higher IQ then your kid

Recently MSNBC published a story that claims dogs are smarter then toddlers according to IQ tests.

Dogs have been IQ tested and the results shows that the average dog has the same brain power as a 2 year old kid. This test is based on a IQ test.

The article says the test shows that the average dog can learn up 165 words, and the smartest dogs can learn 250 words.

Math and sosial IQ

Dogs have the same math skills as 3- and 4 year old kids. And have the same social skills as teenagers. That's because the dogs social life is complicated.

The smartest dogs

1. Border collies
2. Poodles
3. German shepherds
4. Golden retrievers
5. Dobermans
6. Shetland sheepdogs
7. Labrador retrievers

Remeber that sometimes stupid dogs are better pets, because they don't learn what they can get away with, like the smart dogs.

Kids are stupid. Lets face it :)

What do you think?