tirsdag 1. september 2009

Your dogs has higher IQ then your kid

Recently MSNBC published a story that claims dogs are smarter then toddlers according to IQ tests.

Dogs have been IQ tested and the results shows that the average dog has the same brain power as a 2 year old kid. This test is based on a IQ test.

The article says the test shows that the average dog can learn up 165 words, and the smartest dogs can learn 250 words.

Math and sosial IQ

Dogs have the same math skills as 3- and 4 year old kids. And have the same social skills as teenagers. That's because the dogs social life is complicated.

The smartest dogs

1. Border collies
2. Poodles
3. German shepherds
4. Golden retrievers
5. Dobermans
6. Shetland sheepdogs
7. Labrador retrievers

Remeber that sometimes stupid dogs are better pets, because they don't learn what they can get away with, like the smart dogs.

Kids are stupid. Lets face it :)

What do you think?

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